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Compresssion Stocking Therapy

Having pain in legs? Or your foot are aching every step you take? The cause of the pain are called varicose veins. If you have any other questions about what may cause varicose veins, you may call us today. One method Dr. would recommend are compression stockings. Don't where to get them? Ask Dr. Kuhn about the compression stockings.

Diabetic Foot Exam
Diabetic and not sure if you are at risk in having varicose veins? Come in to see the doctor and exam your leg/foot to decide whether you need special treatments or not. Having healthier legs/feet will not only relieve them, it will also help maintain a healthy body.
Calluses/Corn is a thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue, especially in an area that has been subjected to friction. Trying to get rid of them? Don't worry! Dr. Kuhn will gladly and safely remove them.


Geriatric Foot Care
Patients who are in the phase of having the difficulty in reaching to trim their toenails and needs special care for their legs/feet, Dr. Kuhn is always here. Not only does she trim toenails, she helps patients with other problems with their foot.


Ingrown Toenail/Fungus
An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of the nail grows down and into the skin of the toe. There may be pain, redness, and swelling around the nail. Dr. Kuhn will remove the ingrown toenail to reduce the redness and pain. Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is an infection underneath the surface of the nail caused by fungi. When the tiny organisms take hold, the nail often becomes darker in color and smells foul.
Orthotics (Custom)

Have pain in your heels, or discomfort feeling in your feet while walking, the orthotics will help solve the problem. You don't have to worry about wondering which size fits you good because the orthotics that Dr. Kuhn distributes are custom made just for you. Contact the office today to schedule appoinment to get them.



She is a great doctor. Her waiting room was full. But she gives more services and has technicians doing tests and explains everything. I left with a treatment plan and everything. The staff got me an appointment right away .

N. Wood

She is the friendliest doctor. She takes the time to explain everything and answers all my questions. I never had to wait--she is on time and spends time with me. I have been going to her for 3 years. I would highly recommend her


I recommend to see Dr. Kuhn because she takes really good care of your feet. Foot Pain, toenail trimming, etc. she's the person that can get out of the way for you. Glad I had found her

-P. Rapozo

Varicose Vein-Ablation

If you think you may have or do have varicose veins, contact the office to set an appointment to see Dr. and come in for an examination on your legs. If you are at risk in getting future problems, Dr. will recommend you to do an ablation therapy or have compression stockings. Doctors are using new technology in laser treatments to close off smaller varicose veins and spider veins. Laser surgery works by sending strong bursts of light onto the vein, which makes the vein slowly fade and disappear. No incisions or needles are used.


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